On Denisovans and Fresh Insights into Human History

The world is changing. But the changes I want to talk about today, are compartmentally diverse from, though marginally associated with, the ones contained in my previous post which began with the same opening sentence. What you read below was mostly a continuation of that post but, since these thoughts seem to have taken on a life and subject matter of their own, I decided to separate them into this new writing.

The changes discussed here are not geopolitical in nature but more attuned to an expansion of awareness, which could only come in this present age of human advancement with its energetic expansion to the boundaries of knowledge (at least in our own still feeble grasp of those things) including an enhanced understanding of our ancient past which unfortunately was not available to science in its formative years prior to the mid-20th century and even as late as recent years of the 21st. Along with that knowledge comes the realisation that a considerable amount of what we have been told of both science and religion, as it happens, and as it pertains to our origins and history, may not be true (although not necessarily deliberately falsified) – and it is at best rather incomplete. ‘Nothing is cast in stone’ should be the baseline for our assessment of the breadth of our knowledge, and if we truthfully consider what we do know (or think we know) of the fullness of knowledge wrapped up in science and religion, it would virtually amount to – nothing. But we do have to live, for whatever is our allotted lifespan, in a mysterious world that may not even be real, and take account of what it is that our physical senses tell us may be real. That, and whatever those who have gone before us have recorded (presumably for our benefit) of what they made of it all, are all we have to go on. There are no mysterious voices from outside (or inside), at least not for rational people. Both science and religion are an attempt, our self-made attempts, to assess and rationalise those things. Further to that assessment, we are now aware that a third strain of thought, distinct from science and religion, which ties together that is true or deemed to be true (of what little we do know) of both of those seemingly incongruous elements into a feasible and, most importantly, unified version of why and how we are here – placed in a world that was patently not made for the likes of our frail and fragile physical selves. That third strain then must be an advanced understanding, based on the accumulated knowledge gained from both science and religion, enabling us to now uniquely – aided by advancements in modern technology – to sensibly examine and assess matters in ways that could never have been done before. We can stand aside from the data, uninfluenced by prior commitments – ours or those of others – and sensibly review what we see. Lucky us – if we choose to avail ourselves of that power. Remember these things as you read on, because (forgetting them myself) I will write as though I know what I am talking about, as if it were real and solid, and ground on which you could safely stand. For that is the only way we can discuss things sensibly, taking the extremes of science and religion and weaving them around the medium of the third strain into a logic for explaining this world, which can be graspable even by ourselves. It is whatever consistency we can find in these things which makes of science, a religion, and of religion, a science. We may be the first people in the history of mankind who now possess all three strings to weave a model to accurately reflect the real world. And to see that the world we have made, through changing climatic conditions and other factors, may prove to be entirely unsuitable for our continued existence, at least in the way we have come – through our own unaided efforts – to adapt to the prevailing conditions. Our adaptive methods, while they have been adequate for a while – an all too brief while – are proving to be unsustainable on a number of levels, and we may – in fact it is likely – that we will shortly find ourselves in a period which confronts us with some kind of culture shock. A period which may prove fatal for large numbers of us. So much then, for the attainment of understanding, in any form. To be honest, I don’t know if any of this makes any sense to others. I hope it does.

What I have just said is quite a large block of vaguely and varyingly controversial ideas. Ideas, some of which, through their essential impact on past and even current science and religious thought, are not universally received in those august circles – yet. What I intend to now relate will detail or at least open the door to even more controversial information on subjects, the like of which I have never previously attempted to put together in a single essay. The most important part of this task is hopefully to illustrate that all these various issues of new thought, do actually fit together well. I hope it makes sense. If it doesn’t, well, I always have my advancing age to blame.

[I have wanted to do this for some years now, but never felt myself to be quite ready for the task. I do feel ready now, and it is essentially a ‘now or never’ thing, since my capacities to hold in my head a large amount of diffuse information, often from a large number of diverse sources and formats, play with it, and try to make useful sense of it (as I used to do in my work to design and program complex business requirements into a form that would run on large mainframe computers – successfully) are noticeably beginning to fade. And I tend to get very tired very quickly these days. I guess the fact that you are reading this now, means that I achieved some form of success with this – or not.]

Should the truth of recent discoveries seem at first to be something blasphemous when held up to the light as a lens through which to view our long held doctrines of science and religion, disturbing our sensitivities around those things, we would do well to remember the line from George Bernard Shaw’s 1917 play ‘Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress: A Revolutionary Romancelet‘, which purportedly says…

“All great truths begin as blasphemies”

Written in a time of revolution, that quote comes from a fictitious account of such a revolution – and not by chance I suspect. What I am talking about here is also revolutionary. Not violent revolution but an overturning of old ideas. Ideas which served their time and were laid down by men who did not have the knowledge available to us today. Their ideas were formed and coloured, not just by what they saw or experienced but by what they believed. We must not let the knowledge revealed since their parting of ways with this world (and much of modern scientific and religious thought has not been reformed since back in the 18-19th centuries) – knowledge gathered in just the same way and using the same basic methods in recent times, albeit with new tools and just as much rigor, scrutiny, and peer review as their predecessors (or even more) – be hindered from general acceptance simply because it means rewriting some areas of study long held as immovable and sacrosanct. Or will we hold on to postulates, perhaps tainted by the personal views of certain wealthy individuals who were the only ones possessing the means to be explorers and discoverers? Will we cling to postulates, elevated by time to the rank of ‘tenets of faith’ (in both science and religion) that are now proven to be patently false or are at least unsupported by new discoveries?

I think it opportune for me to here insert a short video interview of Graham Hancock, a modern researcher, not a scientist, who may be the person most accused of blasphemous ideas in modern history. I don’t understand why that is, because all of his work is based on the proven and ongoing work of established scientists – perhaps sharing their views, perhaps offering alternative views based on the same evidence. Why should the views of a discoverer take any preference over and generate such vehemence and hatred against the views of a knowledgeable researcher? It makes no sense. See what he says about that.

I should point out that Hancock, whose work I admire, does not agree with some of the opinions that I, based on the work of himself and various other well known researchers, promote here. The following video may explain, in a similar way, how I also feel about that.

Speaking of revolution, as I was, we ourselves now live in a time where violent revolution is weakly held at arms length. Perhaps such is only a single relatively unimportant life event away from becoming reality. Do we really need to revisit a time similar to Shaw’s early 20th century world in order for new truth and other desirable virtues to once again prevail? Have we learned nothing in the last 100 years? Or are we content to allow both old ways and also what passes as new doctrines such as the ‘woke’ and ‘rainbow’ socially degrading and communally destructive idiocies, to shape our futures?

If you successfully made your way through all of that, please continue this extended discussion on the pre-history of Australia’s First Peoples and, indeed, history as it pertains to all of us. There is much more to be delivered. And many more controversialities to ponder.

Hey! Why not take a break at this point. Make a coffee. Go for a walk. Turn the lights out and get some sleep. You’ve done well to get this far …and there is still quite a way to go. Come back fresh, bright eyed and bushy tailed.

I begin now, where the previous essay left off…

Australia is a land uniquely placed, geographically, also strategically and historically. There is no other such land-mass of equivalent size, blessed with the scale of natural resources, lacking any joint borders, and so sparsely populated as this one. Russia, were it an island would easily win a contest on that basis, but an island it is not – forming only part, a large part, of the greater (greatest, actually) land-mass to be found on the surface of planet Earth – Eurasia.

This island continent of Australia (said to be floating on the same tectonic plate as the Indian sub-continent (and therefore neither of them, geophysically at least, countable as being part of Asia) – as are also, incidentally, New Zealand and much of Melanesia – was at one time tentatively and, as it turned out, temporarily land-linked to the Eurasian mainland. The Indian Plate as it is known, is said to be pushing northwards into Eurasia and has therefore been at least partially responsible for the raising of the Himalayan mountain ranges of central Asia. That is incidental to this discussion but worth noting.

That historic land link once at least partially facilitating the migration of Australia’s original peoples from the northern latitudes of Eurasia, Russia’s Altai region, where recent archaeology and subsequent DNA analysis indicates possibly having been their first known presence, and the bridge having been in place for at least 50-60,000 years possibly indicating their migratory path [that’s the first story which will need some explanation], was only removed by rising seas some 11,600 years ago (the time of the great flood of antiquity, which was actually a great sea-level rise (rather than a rain event) occasioned by a massive ice melt – the collapse of the Laurentide ice sheet across much of North America – presumably (and there are good reasons for suggesting that) playing some part in bringing to an end the 1200 year long Younger Dryas freeze period [that’s the second story I need to explain, both of which I will do now before moving on to even more exciting moments in history].

A few words first, about Australia’s first peoples. No, I haven’t forgotten them but I think I needed to explain what has gone before in order to give this some related context.

In a cave up in the Altai region of Russia, an old man was known to be living in the 18th century. His name was Denis (Russian – Dyonisiy). Prior to and since that time, as I understand it, the cave remained scientifically unexplored (it’s a fairly remote area, as are many other barely explored or even still unexplored parts of Russia) until around the year 2010. This first such exploration gave rise to the naming of that dwelling as being the Denisova Cave (named for ‘Denis’ the reclusive prior occupant). Subsequent rare finds there, gave up hugely important secrets on the history of humanity. The cave contained two distinct traces of the presence of human genetic origin. One was the well known Neanderthal strain and the other, previously unknown, was named the Denisovan people.

To highlight the true nature of scientific imaginings, which are often the only insecure foundation on which entire theories are proposed and built, only a single small bone was discovered in this cave as its evidential basis. We should not forget that ‘Denis’ or even some wandering animal could have brought that bone to the cave for some reason, casually depositing it for posterity. Nevertheless, we do have more than that to go on. But should we actually assume that by finding a bone that we have discovered the place of origin of a genre of humanity? This is what I mean when I say that science is mostly guesswork. A cave on the next mountain or somewhere else entirely, may still be waiting for our discovery. Science facts are at best, temporary examples of as yet unknown discoveries. A subsequent find, from memory only a single molar tooth, was made somewhere on the Tibetan plateau and by DNA analysis (how else would we have known, and earlier researchers would simply not have known) has revealed these physical remains contain strands of DNA found only in minority populations of humanity. From these DNA distributions we can, with reasonable certainty, say that Denisovan descendants still exist in only a few places on Earth. One of them is parts of Melanesia, noted for its perhaps unique blonde haired, dark skinned people, a trait also among a great many of the indigenous people of Australia (resulting separately, let it be said, from the incursions of European settlers). DNA testing has revealed that both of these populations demonstrate the highest percentage of uniquely Denisovan DNA in the world. Blonde hair is not of course a dominant feature of dark skinned peoples. Could it be a marker of Denisovan ancestry? [that’s a question, not an answer, or even a postulate] Two other such populations are known to exist – the North African Berbers and the Hmong. I do not know at this point if some of those people have Denisovan DNA but it would be interesting to find out.For further reading try – Melanesians-mysterious blondes from distant islands – which should automatically translate to English for you.

This provides a fairly strong argument for the early settlement of Australia and also of Melanesia, which could have been a stepping stone on the migratory path to the ‘land down under’ or, since these now islands once formed a joint land, perhaps occurred at the same time. There are no suitable images which depict those migratory paths, although the incomplete image below portrays what is thought by some to depict those migrations (courtesy Wikipedia). It does not, however, explain how or why a part of Denisovans went north (if they did) to the Tibetan plateau and the Russian Altai, while the majority went south. Or even if any of that was the case. It is fairly indistinct about beginnings too (on which I will have more to say) but it does show at least some of the ancient land bridges. Perhaps not all. Whatever the case, I believe there has not been a complete land link to Australia in all the subsequent time.

A considerable amount of sea level rise would be required to remove such a land bridge. An event involving perhaps plate tectonics? Or an even more cataclysmic event on the other side of the world? or both? Are such events known? That is the next subject we need to discuss.

We are aware of many cataclysmic events in the past records of our planets history and not only in the recordings of mankind but also from pre-history. How? Well, think about it. Have a guess. These are mainly events of fire and/or flood. And those of fire are not limited to volcanic or earthquake activity but also to the effects of arrival of atmospherically superheated cosmic bollards of one sort or another. Floods on the other hand may be from falling water (rain) – normally termed ‘deluges’, but also from below (ice melt, tectonic activity) in the form of rising or elevated water levels – normally termed ‘inundations’.

So, is there a relevant event we can talk about in connection with the migrations we have already discussed? Yes, there is. And it was an upheaval of both ‘fire’ and ‘flood’. And it occurred at the right time and at the same time as another event recorded in history, which dramatically effected the very land bridge we are discussing.

The Younger Dryas event is held to have begun around 12,800 years ago, or B.P.*, which is also stated as 10,800 B.C.E.**. That was a period when the Earth was only recently beginning a warming period at the end of the last major Ice Age – the Pleistocine. That warming period came to an abrupt end and the northern hemisphere was rapidly plunged again into a cold period almost as deep as during the Pleistocine age for around twelve hundred years until 11,600 B.P. (9,600 B.C.E) when, just as abruptly, conditions warmed again, coinciding with a global rapid sea-level rise of some 150 metres (~400 feet) – inundating vast areas of previously dry land – which, since it was global in nature, would have also caused the land bridges between the Eurasian mainland and the many islands to its south to disappear beneath the ocean waves, ending any possibility of easy migration to Australia, other than by island hopping through Melanesia.

* Before Present, ** Before Current Era

So, part of the picture is now complete – the framework is there. We know it was possible to move from central or northern Eurasia through the adjoining continent sized land bridge of Sundaland to Melanesia and Australia – if such was the actual path way used, and we have an approximate timeframe in which such migrations could be achieved by a people looking for a place to settle. But we don’t know yet, at least I haven’t explained in detail, how so much an incursion of water as would break that land bridge could have come about. Our next main task now then is to find reasons for those abrupt changes represented by the beginning and ending of the Younger Dryas event. We must look elsewhere than a reliance on the spurious lengthy periods of gradual change of evolutionary forces which science would have us consider as the only way such events could arise from the non-events of the slow encroachments of geological processes – the stuff and nonsense of tired or scheming science minds. We must look for something much more dramatic and cataclysmic.

What could have caused the Younger Dryas event as a blip in the serene journey of evolutionary geophysics which caused so great a rise in Earth’s sea level? I suggest there is only one possible cause – a cometary impact with the planet, and only in the last decade (as a result of longer research) have we come to know of one such. It resulted in a cataclysm of both fire and flood. Initially arriving 12,800 years ago, it struck North America in a fiery death as a result of passing through our atmosphere, its entrails continuing to spread themselves across what we know today as the Atlantic Ocean (wasn’t always exclusively called that, as you will see), parts of Europe and into West Asia at least as far as Syria (according to current evidence). That impact caused both flood, its heat precipitating ice melt, and a rapid cooling of the northern hemisphere which lasted for 1,200 years, ending a period of overall general warming of the Earth’s surface. At the end of that 1,200 years a rapid ice melt occurred which resulted in a much greater global flood the raised the sea level by 150 metres, ~400 feet. Very inconvenient for a lot of places around the globe but especially so for a place called Atlantis. You can read about that below. But because I am unqualified to comment and am actually unaware of the mechanics of how an icy cosmic body can melt ice while causing flooding and then 1,200 years later result in super-massive flooding of the world, 11,600 years ago, although all that is well documented and attested by many scientists – slowly gaining acceptance for their work – I will allow them to explain.

See this work – The Younger Dryas Impact – Comet Research Group

There is enough evidence and valid data there (check the CRG credentials and documentation) for me to need to say no more on that. But there is one significant event of that period, which has largely been relegated to myth, and can now be fully explained in the light of this discovery. The story is integrally linked also with what this work is now discussing. Making it fully worthwhile taking another look at. We will do that now, alongside our thoughts on the journeyings of the Denisovan people. It’s all linked.

Allow me to just say here – I should have done it earlier, since even the sight or name of Graham Hancock would be off-putting to many – that if you perform web searches on most of the information used in this piece, you will undoubtedly find much more material that is derisive of these things or even downright aggressively offensive toward it, than there is which would be in some sort of agreement with it. This is to be expected. Science and religion are both highly sensitive to any rumblings around the foundations of their beliefs. Many reputations are vulnerable to such digging and disrupting of the established knowledge base. But what is better? To live comfortably in known ignorance? Or to, through some turbulence, reach a state of light? Personally I am very willing for false foundations to be pushed aside in favour of uncomfortable truths, if such is possible. I find that very exciting. Which is to a large extent probably why I do this kind of effort. It’s not for the financial rewards, there are none. Truth is a sufficient driver.

In one written historic record, part of the rich recorded history of ancient Greece, the Greek politician Critias recounts how Solon – the wisest of the seven sages – was told by an Egyptian priest, the story being passed down to Critias (a contemporary of philosopher Plato, who recorded it)…

O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are never anything but children, and there is not an old man among you. In mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you why. There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes. … Now this (the agency of ‘fire’ – ed.) … signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals; at such times those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore. And from this calamity the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour, delivers and preserves us. When, on the other hand, the gods purge the earth with a deluge of water, the survivors in your country (Greece) are herdsmen and shepherds who dwell on the mountains, but those who, like you, live in cities are carried by the rivers into the sea. Whereas in this land (Egypt), neither then nor at any other time, does the water come down from above on the fields, having always a tendency to come up from below; for which reason the traditions preserved here are the most ancient.

The fact is, that wherever the extremity of winter frost or of summer does not prevent, mankind exist, sometimes in greater, sometimes in lesser numbers. And whatever happened either in your country or in ours, or in any other region of which we are informed-if there were any actions noble or great or in any other way remarkable, they have all been written down by us of old, and are preserved in our temples. Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided with letters and the other requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the stream from heaven, like a pestilence, comes pouring down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you have to begin all over again like children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times, either among us or among yourselves.

Excerpt from Plato’s ‘Timaeus’ dialog, chastising Greeks for being ‘like children’ in the area of ancient knowledge – emphasis mine

The resulting rapid sinking of that land-bridge we have been discussing, along with considerable coastline and other low-lying areas which since the watery regions of Earth are global in nature would have been effective across the whole planet, think about that for a moment – 400 feet on top of all the at the time existing sea level would make a whole lot of land disappear for ever. In the Younger Dryas era there were in fact two distinct floods, as I will show later. A relatively smaller one at the beginning and of course the massive one at the end. That does not remove the possibility that this was a continuing process of ice melt over the whole 1200 year period, but it does provide perhaps the opportunity for sufficient sea rise to cut off both Melanesia and Australia from Sundaland (now Borneo and Java mainland connected region) at the beginning, some 12,000+ years ago and at the end of the period, some 11,600 years ago taking the Atlantis island along with much else including the remaining land bridge to the Asian mainland, beneath its watery surface, leaving the Malay and Melanesian archepelago much as we see it now.

‘Atlantis island’, you say? Well, I did say that actually, and this is a serious proposal which has become a documented scientific hypothesis with some intriguing evidence providing the conditions for the placement of Plato’s historic Atlantis story within this region. Now, I am not about to declare that this is fact. That may not be provable, but there is much evidence to suggest it (preferentially, over any other location). Also, if it were true, then it does fit quite well in among the other things I have been discussing. And it is quite intriguing in itself. See if you agree. Also, if you do find that I get a little carried away with positive statements as to the story’s veracity, please know that I do know it is just another theory – for now.

This is (almost) brand new information of which you may or may not have been previously aware. It is remarkable in its synchronicity with that of which I have already spoken. But what has that to do with the ‘Pillars of Hercules/Heracles’, you say? That being an intrinsic part of, or a pointer at least, in the Atlantis story as recorded by Plato somewhere around 350 B.C.E. – and which you should probably study first before any of the other references if the story is unfamiliar to you. There are many translations of Plato’s ‘Timaeus’ which is his record of receiving the story, but I came across this clipped one yesterday and which I recommend, since it cuts out all the dust bunnies and provides this intro forming the work’s provenance – “Critias, an elderly relative of Plato, tells Socrates the story of his grandfather, also named Critias, and his great grandfather Dropides who was friends with Solon. The speaker is an Egyptian priest (according to Plutarch, “Sonchis the Saite, the most learned of all the priests”) and the listener is Solon, one of the Seven Wise Men of antiquity.” – the piece also providing this link to the full version if you choose – ‘Timaeus’.

That story, it should be remembered, was relayed by Solon (who lived some 300 years before Plato – who lived 2,300 years before ourselves), and passed down through three intervening family generations. The story was relayed to Solon by the most learned of Egyptian priests, as I indicated above, who himself lived some 9,000 years after the cataclysmic event itself. So neither the world of Atlantis (I repeat: 11,600 B.P.) nor the world of the ancient Greeks of Solon’s time (say, 2,600 B.P.) were actually, or in the minds of folk living at the time, of any resemblance to the world we know today. So why, in our deliberations on such topics as Atlantis, do we try to fit them into our own world view? They do not and will not fit there – as is obvious in the plethora of alternative suggestions as to the location of Atlantis and its consequent relegation to myth as not fitting anywhere. We have to look at the world as it was then (11,600 B.P. – you will not be able to forget that date soon – I am hoping – if I repeat it often enough). And then we will find there is such a place where it does match the known criteria – and with a 100% fit. In fact I would argue that there is no period of mythology at all. Every single written mythological record, so described, from the ancient past (and also many orally passed ones too, I suggest), is in fact a record of an actual historic event. We gloss over them at our peril. We therefore also have to look at the world of Plato and Solon, since all the references we have, specific to this event, come from that period, as being literal records of history. And then we have to possess a broad and uncoloured general knowledge of the whole development of mankind throughout those 12,000 or so years between then and now, and back a further almost half a billion years for the sojourn of the gods on this planet (which events they passed down to those members of our first civilisations, who recorded the stories along with all the other information and technology with which we were gifted) before they hit on the plan to make a primitive workforce, which somehow ended up being us – an uncontrollable, supposedly intelligent species which they felt the need to abandon to our fate some 2,600 years ago. [Or maybe they just died. Who knows? I prefer to think they left and will some day return, if only out of curiosity to see what we did with the opportunity we were given. But don’t get your hopes up. If it happens at all, it will most likely be in the 500-1,000 years from today time frame.]

And, not allowing myself to digress too much, where is that place of perfect fit? The new theory would place the island of Atlantis somewhere in the north of the Java Sea as shown on the relief maps below. Beneath the waves now but at the time situated within an inland sea, with its central peak visible from all around and its hinterland the fertile plain ringed by mountains on the southern part of Kalimantan (Borneo), where every fauna and flora mentioned in the Plato account is native and whose rivers and canals would have drained into shallower delta areas now also owned by the sea.

And where do the ‘Pillars of Hercules’ fit into this image? Well they can clearly be seen as elevated mounts on each side of the Sunda Strait, centre left. Sunda Strait, incidentally, although it is probably not at all related to the story, is also home to the Krakatoa volcanic island.

As testimonial support for the ideas just expressed, and the idea that the Indian Ocean is actually the original Atlantic Ocean – the ‘Ocean of the Atlanteans’, I cite the following quote from the book ‘Atlantis: the lost city is in Java Sea’

The East Indies here refers to Indonesia. The Atlantic Ocean was seen by the Greeks as all the water surrounding the continents, which is true. The Indian Ocean, on which the theory focuses, was the real “Ocean of the Atlanteans”. It seems that Avienus placed the Hesperides and the island of Geryon, Erytheia, in this ocean. On the other hand, Avienus and other sources claimed that Erytheia was found in the Orient, thus the connection between the Indian and the “original” Atlantic Ocean.

Troy, Thera, and the capital of the Incas were imitations, re-creations of the original capital of Atlantis. Since Atlantis was a group of islands, its location in the Indian Ocean is possible. The area is part of Pacific Ocean‟s Ring of Fire (a chain of volcanoes), that is still active nowadays. The area is also prone to calamities such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. In conclusion, Plato‟s diluvian world could have taken place here.

Another point of interest is the Holy Mountain. Each culture seemed to have one – starting with Golgotha or Mount Calvary from the Bible, or Mount Qaf in Islamism, Mount Olympus in Greece, etc. The sacred mountain idea, just like the capital of Atlantis, points to Atlantis as the source. On his list, Professor Santos also checked the similarities in the climate of Atlantis and the East Indies.

Plato states that Atlanteans had two crops a year and a tropical climate, which matches again the Indonesian climate. It is also known that agriculture was started in the Far East over a ten thousand years ago, which proves the abundance of food needed to sustain a civilization large enough to create an army matched only by Plato‟s Atlantean army.

About the Pillars of Heracles – the pillars of Europe (Strait of Gibraltar) were originally called Calpe and Habila, and that the original Pillars were actually the Sunda Strait. The Phoenicians created the confusion between the two different pillars in order to stop the Greeks from reaching the true Paradise.

Atlantis was supposed to lie in the middle of the sea, making the connection between this world and the true continent. Java, Sumatera and the Malay Peninsula are between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, breaking them in two. It can also be a resting spot for travelers from the continent to the Americas.

Professor Santos‟ theory refers to the innavigable seas or the mud barrier. The Strait of Gibraltar always had deep waters, while the Indian Ocean around the islands and peninsulas have murky waters.

Irwanto, Dhani. Atlantis: The lost city is in Java Sea (p. 34). INDONESIA HYDRO MEDIA. Kindle Edition.

The fact that the Indian Ocean laps against the mountain peaks of Java, marking the tectonic boundary I mentioned earlier – though no tectonic activity has been detected on or around the now sunken land bridge to Asia beyond it – places the inner sea just one ocean away from the Egypt of the originators of the story related to Solon those millennia ago. An ocean that we know the Egyptians knew well. Their pantheon of gods, some of them being seafarers themselves after leaving their Sumerian homeland settlements, having crossed that ocean in both easterly, to India and beyond, and westerly to at least the whole east coast of Africa. There is even evidence (though of course disputed, because it does not fit the accepted narrative) of Egyptian landing on the east coast of Australia. It all fits.

Incidentally, and it is worth noting, many accounts of the demise of Atlantis rely on the mountain central to the actual sunken island having been a volcano. An eruption of that volcano often stated to be the cause of the island’s disappearance. While this is a volcanic region – being close to the ‘Ring of Fire’ along the tectonic boundary mentioned earlier – there is no mention of volcanic action or even the word ‘volcano’ in the Plato account. Not one. Only earthquake and flood are mentioned. We know about the flood aspects and since Plato’s description alludes to men sinking into the earth, this is consistent with what we now know of as ‘liquefaction’ of the ground during earthquake activity. Earthquakes are also linked to injection of fluids into ground fissures. An awful lot of mud would have ensued during the ‘single day and night’ of the disappearance. The muddyness of the waters in that area, still obstructing navigation today, attest to that.

You will need to recognise, in order to gain a true appreciation of the timescale of this story, that all of this – the rise and demise of the Atlantean civilisation – occurred way before (several millennia earlier) than either of the modern human Sumerian and Egyptian cultures were founded. But not before the arrival of the culture of the gods who began all of this activity, and perhaps almost 300,000 years after they instituted the manufacture of the first of their DNA augmented hominid creations. Which brings into question, were we their first attempt at human civilisation? Or did they have other, perhaps more successful attempts prior to 11,600 B.C.E.? Civilisations destroyed by cosmic interventions they perhaps had not considered and were, in any case, powerless to prevent? Which makes of us something of a second string venture, doesn’t it? A last ditch desperate attempt at colonisation of the planet, the failure of which (we became uncontrollable) left them despondent enough to pack up and go home (if they still had one), some two and a half millennia ago, leaving us to our own devices and whatever destiny we could salvage for ourselves before we too disappear. I wonder what was the mistake they made in our case? Remember, it was at that time (two and a half millennia ago) that the descendants of Abraham, lost in captivity, deep among the most ancient of civilisations of their own kind – homo sapiens sapiens – where libraries of all the ancient records were still kept – realising that their god had abandoned them, decided to write their own history, a condensed version loosely based on the records of their captors (which they knew to be authoritative) but which portrayed themselves – a weak and disorganised rabble with no hope or future prospects – in the best possible light as an exceptional people favoured by the single greatest ‘male’ god of all, who would brook no counterparts (and with a new name that no-one could dispute, or even speak). What a plan! What a ruse! What a deception! But then all religion is based on such (being meaningless without actual gods present), just as much as is most science theory (at least the earth sciences – the rest being pure mathematics).

As to that earlier race, the one we refer to as Atlantis, the story passed on by the Egyptian priest-storyteller to Solon and down to Plato – referring allegorically to Solon himself, his people (as Athenians) and country, even his city of Athens itself – in the first and historical part of the statement – and it can only be allegory, nothing more (as a continuation of such earlier references – check it out)- since the actual events being related, occurred on the other side of the Indian Ocean and at a time before Athens even existed as a Greek city state. The storyteller, in the final part of the sentence, now speaking of the the then current time and switching from allegory to explanatory reality, says this…

“you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived”

Timaeus translation – Timaeus By Plato

Everything that has been recorded in antiquity was recorded for a reason. And none of those reasons would have been ‘mythical’. It is simply our present understanding of them that is lacking. Or of course, the understanding of those authority figures, some learned, some ignorant, but none of them possessing adequate knowledge to make statements that were in large part merely guesses, and record them as fact while relegating the written history as fictitious mythology or some form of religious practice. Those, our unworthy predecessors who so callously misled through ignorance or deception whole generations of people down to ourselves, should be properly castigated and their works redone in the light of present knowledge. We would then find the ‘pseudo science’ was more that of the past. There is of course a whole new plethora of pseudo science now proliferating as a direct result of the freedom of the internet. This is not any kind of reason why those freedoms should be curtailed. Watched, yes. But by learned curators. Not the likes of Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg (just as examples of the genre). And with a general increase in the education level of the masses, if it is not already too late to prevent the formation of generations of woke morons. Not that that is something which could be blamed on the morons themselves. It is the world they were born into that sucks. All ‘that’ needs to be changed. Again, if it is not too late.

To be born, to live, to die, and to never know anything much of the vast and colourful array of knowledge gathered and focused in this world, other than that which is necessary to carry on the basics of living (and that probably a distorted view of the actual truth), that is the saddest condemnation of human society as it pertains to the individual which could be laid on our species. But it is a depressing thought that this all a great many humans ever get to experience in life. In no way can it be called ‘living’.

Back to my story before I get too carried away with this…

All the peoples I have mentioned – ourselves, the ancient Greeks, the Atlanteans, even the Sumerians of the first true human civilisation, knew that the world was round and that it circled around the Sun. All, in fact, except the poor folk of the Middle Ages of the current era, their minds dumbed as a result of lack of education or even literacy and sufficient language which enabled their forebears to pass on their stories of ancient truths through oral transmission, inscription or in writing, a situation aided and condoned by depraved and oppressive religious thought and also more than likely by falsely scientific thought, even up to the present day in many cases, and who at least in the past blindly accepted the flat earth theory. It is less than a century or so in the past that we mostly threw off that cloak of ignorance from most of the reasonably educated – much less from those less fortunate. Although even some of those still living primitively in remote regions also know – and have long known – the model of the universe. The Dogons for example. Echoes of the past, and perhaps much more enlightened days than we have known – with all our current knowledge.

I will close this part of the discussion with the statement that it is of no use whatsoever looking for Atlantis in what we know as the Atlantic ocean, which simply does not fit any of the criteria relayed by Plato and, perhaps more importantly, was not so named at the time of the events being discussed. The Atlantic Ocean, in the first millennia B.C.E. referred to the waters where the continent of Atlantis was located and which encompassed all the oceanic waters of the world (civilised mankind having knowledge of all of them), including what we know as the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the South China Sea and the Great Southern Ocean. Those facts enabled the author of the table below to tick the ‘Atlantic Location’ box for The East Indies location. I give you the 100% fit case, as shown in the table below, which comes from the book – Atlantis City in The Java Sea. The Location – the island being there no longer, is to be found in the area to the east of the Sunda Strait and in the Java Sea, in the region the table below refers to as ‘The East Indies’, and was situated near the same now disappeared land bridge that brought the Melanesians and Australia’s First Peoples to their current homelands. Simple, isn’t it. When you get it right. That’s an assertion. It may also be a truism to the best of my knowledge.

Table 1 – The Atlantis locations checklist – from Irwanto, Dhani – Atlantis: The lost city is in Java Sea (p. 33). INDONESIA HYDRO MEDIA. Kindle Edition.

Am I suggesting that any of what I have here written represents the right version of events – a correct history? Well, yes I am actually. Otherwise why would I bother? But that’s my business – and my own opinion. Your opinion is, of course your own, if you have one, an informed one, or if you have a better.

I do not claim that all the many details, in their entirety, may concur or meld together in all respects but I do believe, in general, they form a complete picture close to what actual events may have been. At least closer than anything else I have seen or read. Notwithstanding that much more detail has, of necessity been omitted due to space, time, and lack of a recognised applicability to the subject matter, than has been included here. This is not meant to be a proof of anything. Its main purpose it to highlight the fact that there is more than one story line of the basics of life as revealed by the past or the present, in all of our many different cultures, even our most modern and advanced ones, than we have been given to believe there are. Much has been obscured by sectarian interests, whether of science or religious background. Also denigrated, distorted, or cast as mythology to deny relevance. Much also remains as yet undiscovered. How can either science or religion act dogmatically on any point, based on handed down information when there are other sources, never investigated within ruins, caves, burial mounds, fields or under water, not yet investigated and located in some other place, that might negate the already discovered or inherited knowledge?

I also do not claim that what I have recorded here is the only possible explanation derivable from information we already know. The Oppenheimer view, which also perceives an origin for man in the Sundaland region and various diasporas emanating from it, also has merit, but for me that story does not tick all the boxes. So, until I arrive at a better, even more rounded history, I will stick with this one. The concept that advanced humanoids existed with all the same failings as we have inherited, but with exceedingly long life, is quite appealing. As is a potential return by them.

All of these stories are responsibly scientific (documented by many scientists) and they gel together quite admirably. They also align well with the history we know of the flesh and blood gods of Sumer who, out of necessity, migrated by sea to Egypt (and many other places) in Thor Heyerdahl style straw ships, forming the Egyptian pantheon of gods as well as the Sumerian/Akkadian and many others on different continents. I have spoken briefly of all these things previously and, time and energy permitting, will draw all of that together more comprehensively at some future stage.

Having taken you now on a scientific evidenced trip into places and events that are not widely perceived or accepted yet as part of our real history or development, and certainly not of our ancient origins, I fully intended to take you on a trip way beyond what you have read so far in this essay. It would be a trip into the distant past, in fact back to the origins of what became modern man. However, I think, in spite of promising more, I have put enough into this piece for now. Basically I have to close it now, as rough and unpolished as it is, or it will never get published. There may be unfinished sentences, references to information I ended up not including and the occasional typo or incorrect word choice. I could also have included more images and references, but I am really here only to implant ideas. The joy of further discovery can then be all yours. In any case, I look at this as a blog post, not a science paper. I will say more on my thoughts of those we call ‘gods’ and our relations with them, some other time.

In the meantime I want you to watch this deeply science focused and professionally made video. It will set the scene for the journey ahead and comes at the cost of 1,465 seconds of your time. You can afford such an investment of time for the receipt of new knowledge, can you not, given the time you have now spent reading this? And especially since it relates directly to yourself?

I should say, yes this comes from an archive, a useful archive, which stores much useful information. But that archive also contains material I would not touch with a bargepole. This video I think is worthwhile, but if you choose to go further, I advise caution. Not that I believe there is any bad intent, unlike some areas of the web. It just gets a little weird in places, even for me.

A general warning for web-surfers. The World-Wide Web is a trap for the unwary. Full of pitfalls for the willfully ignorant and those lacking a sound and solid education in an age where such is hard to find, necessitating a lifetime of individual self-learning – not necessarily from books, which are mere time-slices of past thought, useful as a record of such thought but as time passes, changes occur, new knowledge emerges, and the record becomes perhaps invalid and unreliable material for subsequent years. But by dipping your toes into the piranha infested www. pond, supplemented by listening to the unfettered advice of wise old men/women and/or other free-thinkers not bound up in zeitgeist of the past, you may get to avoid or learn to divine much of the bait drawing you to the jaws of the piranhas (most of which is just plain silly). And, trust me, there are shoals of piranhas hovering around this particular subject matter. This video, I assure you, is not piranha bait but a serious scientific discourse on the origins of mankind.

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