‘The State Cannot Convict Itself’: Operation ‘Gladio’ & the Crimes of U.S. Empire

I have long held the view presented in this excellent, re-blogged article and encapsulated in this quote from it:
“Given post-WWII history and our current state of affairs Western governments and institutions clearly exist as criminal entities which function outside the rule of all recognized morality and law, domestic and international.”
…and so I am both gratified to the author, Gary Weglarz, for putting together such a fine piece, to Sarah Abed for sharing it, and also pleased to have the opportunity to share it further myself.

This is information that all Westerners should be aware of, if they want to own their own lives and to live consciously, enjoying the freedom to live and act as moral, caring, self-respecting beings. I don’t for a moment expect that everyone would choose to take that course, preferring to remain ignorant and controlled, living under the “full spectrum domination” that is the global objective of the US elites.

Me? I’d rather die fighting for the liberty that is every human’s right to enjoy.

The Rabbit Hole

Written By: Gary Weglarz

Global Research

Also posted on: The Ugly Truth

The key institutions of Western societies have lost their credibility. They fail to merit either the respect or loyalty of the domestic populations they purport to serve.

Testing the validity of this assertion requires examination of Western institutions from a holistic rather than fragmentary perspective. This is easier said than done.

There exists a massive amount of near real-time web based information available for us to process daily if we are attempting to keep abreast of world events. This often leaves us diligently evaluating recent events, while lacking the opportunity to step back and assemble these discrete events into a more comprehensible whole.

The assassinations of the entire elite level of progressive leadership in the United States during the 1960s (JFK, Malcolm X (image left), MLK & RFK within a 5 year…

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Syria: NOT A Revolution! [Video analysis]

Syrian revolution and civil war? What revolution? What civil war? There is no Syrian revolution. No Syrian civil war.

What conflict there is, and there is no doubt that Syria has been suffering constant and terrible conflict for the past six years, was ideated, spread, fostered, promoted, goaded, paid for, supplied, armed, led (from behind, or even alongside), by elements of the West (US, NATO, EU) and their rich and powerful regional allies, and propagandised through their fawning and complicit media.

None of that is in any way to be doubted, since there is ample and sufficient evidence, both internal and external to those entities, to render that position as truth. Indisputably so.

If any more evidence were necessary, and it seems that the truth has not yet been universally accepted or even heard in many quarters, then such is presented here in this reblogged article. I urge any doubters to consider this information carefully.

In Gaza

Mar 18, 2017, Syriana Analysis:


“The narrative of the corporate mainstream media is that the vast majority of Syrians resorted to peaceful protests against the “dictator Assad regime”.
In this video, I will prove with evidences that, what you were being told is a lie.”–Syriana Analysis



My October 2015 article, “Deconstructing the NATO Narrative on SyriaDeconstructing the NATO Narrative on Syria“. Excerpts:

“…it is known that from the beginning, in Dara’a  and throughout Syria, armed protesters were firing upon, and butchering, security forces and civilians. Tim Anderson’s “Syria: how the violence began, in Daraa” pointed out that police were killed by snipers in the March 17/18 protests; the Syrian army was only brought to Dara’a following the murder of the policemen. Additionally, a storage of protesters’ weapons was found in Dara’a’s al-Omari mosque.

Prem Shankar Jha’s, “Who Fired The…

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Video: War on Syria: Manufactured Revolution and Fake Media Narrative

It’s really a moot point now, because while the battles for Syria to retake the areas of their country that were stolen from them over the past six years still roll on, the 24 hour media cycle has long since also moved along and nobody, at least in the West, is still thinking about what occurred in Aleppo (if they ever did think about it) during the past years and earlier this year. But I want to do my part in ensuring that the truth of the matter is historically recorded, not lost behind the false image that has been predominantly foisted on a public more concerned about ‘celebrity’ antics than what is going on that actually matters or should be held to be important, in the world around them …and so I am reblogging, for the record, this fine piece of documentation on those events in Syria by independent journalist Eva Bartlett.

It is kind of heart-breaking that such action should be necessary but in a world where deception and obfuscation of the truth seems to be acceptable and even ‘normal’, even at official national levels, what else can we do to combat the laying down of false claims of historic events?

I congratulate and offer gratitude to brave people like Eva Bartlett and others (Vanessa Beeley https://thewallwillfall.org, Sarah Abed https://sarahabed.com/) for the great work that they do as truth-tellers. Why is it that it is mostly brave women appear to take the front ranks to lead this ongoing battle for truth?

In Gaza

By Global Research, February 28, 2017

Canadian independent journalist Eva Bartlett is the object of a smear campaign by Canada’s mainstream media. Listen to what she has to say and then decide who is telling the truth.

The mainstream media denies the existence of terrorists linked to Al Qaeda.

According to mainstream sources, there were no terrorists in Aleppo.

Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are supported by US-NATO, Saudi Arabia and Israel. They are the state-sponsors of terrorism. We are dealing with a war of aggression. Eva Bartlett provides detailed evidence of  war crimes.

The following video interview by Global Research TV was conducted in Montreal in January in the context of Eva Bartlett’s Canada speaking tour.

It is followed by her presentation at the Montreal venue. (M.Ch, GR Editor)


Eva Bartlett’s presentation in Montreal:


Excerpts from Eva Bartlett’s Sott article entitled

Western corporate media ‘disappears’…

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Combating Cognitive Dissonance

Some wise words from The Rabbit Hole on cognitive dissonance – perhaps the major affliction ailing the western world in the modern age.

The Rabbit Hole

December 31st, 2016

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true. The other is to refuse to accept what is true. Soren Kierkegaard

I realized tonight that it’s much more frustrating to argue politics with people in person than it is on social media. Especially with close friends who are only familiar with the NATO/US narrative, by choice. Knowing we have opposing views I didn’t initiate the politics talk.

I was told, “you’re intelligent, how could you support a dictator”? I said because I’m intelligent I don’t believe the lies and propaganda spewed on mainstream media, and dig beneath the surface. “But he’s killing his people, he’s using chemical weapons”.. So I proceeded to explain how that’s false and even shared a recent post of mine that said that the Syrian state provided evidence that the opposition were the ones who used mustard gas…

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