The West Has Been Well & Truly Gamed

There is no longer any need to fear US naval supremacy or in fact any kind of US supremacy. There is no longer any such supremacy. The US (and, by definition, the West) has been well and truly gamed.  'Gamed', in this context, means rendered ineffectual, obsolete, and any other word carrying the general sense of being... Continue Reading →

A Christmas Reset

Coming, as it does, almost midway between the traditional settings of both Western and Orthodox Christianity of the original Christmas story, this is as good a time as it gets to raise the subject of the birth of the central figure of that religion.   It is difficult to know just how many modern day... Continue Reading →

A Growing Isolation

In the world of geo-politics, global trade, military muscle, cooperation rather than coercion, who is feeling themselves having been placed, by subtle but open maneuverings, somewhere on the outer fringes of world affairs? You got it in one! Of course, it is none other than the global hegemon and its EU/NATO underlings. After so many years, decades, perhaps... Continue Reading →

In The Beginning…

From time to time I have endeavoured to lay out some of my personal views on the ancient history of mankind, much of which history has been coloured by the views and peculiarities of men, mostly men, whose ideas were shaped by what they understood or were told themselves by others. In particular, those views were,... Continue Reading →

Is It Friday Yet? Oh Fuck, I Can’t Wait…

I'm dropping everything, including some serious shit, to bring you my Chrissie Prezzie 2023, courtesy the link below and today's TAE. The 10min long Klausi McSchwab extended MEGAMIX Enjoy! Oh, by the way, I don't really celebrate Chrissie but I just couldn't pass this up.

Gotta Love CO2. It’s The Best.

In what passes today as the 21st Century (a meaningless counter of time, based on no discernible origin point whatsoever - try to find the year 'zero' anywhere or attach any realistic reason to it) it has become fashionable (another virtueless descriptor for temporary fads or passing fancies) to label one of the Earth's essential... Continue Reading →

Still A Lifeline For Australia – Can They Cut Ties And Grasp It? It Lies To The North, Not The West

"Australians unconsciously absorbed racist attitudes of cultural superiority to our indigenous First Australian peoples , and to our Asia-Pacific neighbours.  These attitudes have held our nation back." “Australia and the Challenge of a Multipolar World” - from the website of Tony Kevin - Presentation in a global symposium on  29 April 2023 I cite the... Continue Reading →

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