Don’t Forget Syria

Rarely do I watch or listen to any online documentary interview (I think, showing my age, they are called 'podcasts' these days), even when accompanied by video, as this one is, but, released today by Aaron Maté, this interview with Australian academic Dr Tim Anderson, centred around the Syrian situation and probably prompted by the... Continue Reading →

Will We Survive 2020?

"U.S. Demands Iraq Either Join U.S. War Against Iran or Be Destroyed" - by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog "This is a war by U.S., Saudi Arabia, the other Arab oil monarchies, and Israel, against Iran, and it will become also a U.S.-v.-Russia war unless Russia complies with America’s demand to stay out, and... Continue Reading →

‘The State Cannot Convict Itself’: Operation ‘Gladio’ & the Crimes of U.S. Empire

I have long held the view presented in this excellent, re-blogged article and encapsulated in this quote from it:
“Given post-WWII history and our current state of affairs Western governments and institutions clearly exist as criminal entities which function outside the rule of all recognized morality and law, domestic and international.”
…and so I am both gratified to the author, Gary Weglarz, for putting together such a fine piece, to Sarah Abed for sharing it, and also pleased to have the opportunity to share it further myself.

This is information that all Westerners should be aware of, if they want to own their own lives and to live consciously, enjoying the freedom to live and act as moral, caring, self-respecting beings. I don’t for a moment expect that everyone would choose to take that course, preferring to remain ignorant and controlled, living under the “full spectrum domination” that is the global objective of the US elites.

Me? I’d rather die fighting for the liberty that is every human’s right to enjoy.

The Rabbit Hole

Written By: Gary Weglarz

Global Research

Also posted on: The Ugly Truth

The key institutions of Western societies have lost their credibility. They fail to merit either the respect or loyalty of the domestic populations they purport to serve.

Testing the validity of this assertion requires examination of Western institutions from a holistic rather than fragmentary perspective. This is easier said than done.

There exists a massive amount of near real-time web based information available for us to process daily if we are attempting to keep abreast of world events. This often leaves us diligently evaluating recent events, while lacking the opportunity to step back and assemble these discrete events into a more comprehensible whole.

The assassinations of the entire elite level of progressive leadership in the United States during the 1960s (JFK, Malcolm X (image left), MLK & RFK within a 5 year…

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Illegal Immigrants/Invaders In Syria

There are the 'boots'.  We can see them.  They are American boots, with American military feet in them. There is the 'ground'.  We can see it.  It is Syrian national ground. Photo credit: So.  American boots on Syrian ground.  Is that not a sufficient and complete definition of 'boots on the ground'?  In anybody's... Continue Reading →

Something To Talk About

I just found something to talk about, but I think I will let Jim Kunstler do the talking for me. We haven't heard much at all in the news about Ukraine and what those nasty, interfering  Russians are doing there, and how NATO is standing ready to save the day, lately, have we?  There's a... Continue Reading →

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