‘American’ Epic

Occasionally, not very often these days, Something comes across my desk (yes, I do actually use a desk - it is an early 20th century antique) which I cannot fail to feature in this blog. The article below from Paul Edwards (no relation), reproduced in full and without alteration, is one such item. Please read. Paradigm Shift:... Continue Reading →

Who Is America?

I am as guilty as anyone of slipping into the lazy language of referring to only part of the American landmass as 'America', but I do recognise that is what it is - a habitual response to an undeserved naming right. America is a two (joined ) continent agglomeration of independent nation states stretching from... Continue Reading →

Headed For The Grease Trap?

"'Is Thinking Cancelled?" - Kunstler If anything can be taken from JHK's Monday blog post this week it is the inescapable thought that what used to be American society is inexorably drawing closer to the event horizon that marks the point of no return for that 'city upon a Hill, beacon of hope' (if it... Continue Reading →

The Real America is Starving

"America: Send Food, We’re Starving!" - Gordon Duff - Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War - for New Eastern Outlook America, the real America, where nary a Trump has ever set foot, is starving and abandoned, in worse condition than most (what used to be called) third world countries.  This America, the real America, is... Continue Reading →

“Bye Bye America”

America, as I have long and often suggested, is in a state of social collapse. Is that down to Donald Trump? No. The process has been going on for decades, as Umair Hague maintains in his latest piece 'Bye Bye America' on Medium's 'Bad Words'.   "One bad leader didn’t make all of this true — decades... Continue Reading →

American Exploits

The American dream was always an unreachable and unworkable myth. Yet some Americans still cling to the idea and other Western nations still attempt to emulate that mythos. For fuck's sake, why? The dream could never become reality without exploitation. It needs an underdog to be trampled on, robbed and taken out of the picture.... Continue Reading →

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