Australia Will “…end up sacrificing its own interests to support the hegemony of the US.”

In addition to any related consideration possibly discussed in the article below, Australia's new defence strategy - revealed this week - is extremely short-sighted. The reason being that 'US hegemony' is a disappearing artifice which most of the world is now ignoring or shunning. And when that artifice has been completely negated, where will that... Continue Reading →

Temporary Concession

I currently have a ban on sharing anything by James Howard Kunstler but I am making an exception for this, his latest at time of writing, because it is an example of James at his brilliant best. And it is the only one of his recent posts for which I would make such a concession.... Continue Reading →

Of Boogers, Bogeys and Purple-Heads

I would like to see some sort of internationally recognised awards for Best Innovative Use of Language. If such awards there were, I would right now nominate for best Adjectivated Noun, used to great effect in the article linked below by Tom Luongo. I laughed long and repetitively on reading it last night and I... Continue Reading →

Australia’s Prime Minister is a Fool

...and not just a fool, an utter fool. A dangerous and desperate utter fool. OK. He can draw red lines wherever he wishes to draw red lines. That's what fools do. They apparently get some sort of satisfaction from doing that (there being other examples throughout westernism as precedents for this). It is one way... Continue Reading →

Pandemic or Not, For Women of World’s Biggest Economy, Supply of Sanitary Pads Remains of Supreme Importance

It seems an eminently reasonable expectation to me but, as a man, I'm not qualified to comment. Please just read the story. JIN DING/CHINA DAILY I am simply amazed that in a crazed world of mostly ridiculous and highly irrelevant news reporting, China can still calmly and level-headedly find the time and news-space to consider... Continue Reading →

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