Dumb Australia V. The Genius Musk

Government in Australia (matching the pattern evident in all western nations) is undergoing political meltdown. It is easy to see why that is the case. Any modicum of genius these clowns may have shared, collectively, has been gifted to that ‘arrogant billionaire’ – leaving them as babbling idiots and enabling him as perhaps the greatest currently living human. This is not an adequate or accurate description of course but is indicative of the real situation.

Musk is definitely a self-made billionaire, something which does not necessarily accompany genius, although it can help in the process of accumulating such wealth. But I have to say that I see no trace of the ‘arrogance’ in him of which he has been accused by the Australian PM. In fact he seems to be a very personable and principled person. He lives mentally on a very different plane to most of us, which I suggest is why he receives so much hate material from the only moderately gifted or those who choose not to exercise the ‘intellect’ they do possess, and who consequently feel threatened by his heightened abilities. And I have to admit that it is sometimes difficult to follow his vocalised thought patterns since his brain obviously works so much faster than his mouth, with some visible but minor slurred speech or disjointed, audibly incomplete or stuttered language expressions as a result. That would be another mark of genius, I think. Musk may have made some decisions which did not always work out but when operating at the very edge of technological knowledge and previously untested experience, such events are understandable.

Anyway, he is an enigma, and a very successful one. A force to be reckoned with. Such dim-witted people as those who go in for politics, stand no chance of competing against him. So the current Australian government, not the brightest bunch of heroes we have ever fielded, have set themselves up to fail. Their actions may cost the country heavily. Their so far unrevealed reasons for taking such a stand are also likely to be seen for what they really are – the imposition of restrictive totalitarian control, of everything.

Personally I’m with Musk all the way. He also seems to have a fairly good grasp of the situation in the geopolitical field, and is playing a canny and principled game there.

I am providing no supporting media for these thoughts. The internet is still open enough to free speech and visual news for any reader – if they haven’t already formed their own, to find ample evidence for diametrically opposed views to those on this issue as expressed by major media outlets .

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