President or Not, it is Not up to Trump (or anyone else except Putin) to Decide Ukraine Terms

When are Yankee Dunderheads going to realise their voice will not be recognised on the subject of what state Ukraine will be in after it surrenders unequivocally to Russia? That is entirely a Russian prerogative. No-one else will be consulted – especially any part of the west.

Is the west likely to receive and understand that message? Of course not. They are far too stupid for that to happen with no form of duress. And so they must be humiliated and/or destroyed to whatever extent it takes for them to reach that point of understanding.

Alternatively, and it is the only such option, the people of the west and whatever elements of sound good sense still exist among their more senior upper echelons must take such steps to bring that result about unaided by external forces before it is too late. I can’t put a timeline on that but with the staggering losses in military manpower and munitions Ukraine has suffered, it is clear thay cannot hold out for much longer. Following the inevitable military collapse it will be too late for excuses or pleas. The retributions and War Crimes Courts will be in full swing.

The time for the west to stop pretending they are in charge, is now.

This post was inspired by – ‘Trump to eventually see there is no alternative to Putin’s proposals on Ukraine — diplomat’ – TASS – June 29, 2024

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