The Important and the Only Important Things About Current Global Climate

Leaving aside everything of little importance about modern climate, there is only one important, only important, very important and supremely important thing about modern climate that you, whoever you are, need to know. The rest you can forget. And that one thing, is…

There is nothing of concern or reason to fear in relation to the world’s climate.

If you believe anything different to that, you have either been bamboozled or you are in the business of bamboozling others – and possibly yourself.

It’s that simple.

Since there are an awful lot of fully bamboozled people living in a state of worry and fear on this planet, that signifies the bamboozlers are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of the world’s good folk. Folk who have, in addition, given up caring about knowing and recognising the truth when presented to them, and having given their minds over to believing the false doctrine they have each built up, have ceased to even consider what else may be real. And that is a damned shame. A disgrace in fact. And that is just what the original and chief bamboozlers wanted to see happen, which makes the process truly diabolical in nature.

Well, it’s not actually that simple, obviously. But I am labouring the point because it is the biggest mistake that humanity has made in modern times. Let’s define that ‘Biggest Mistake of Humanity’…

The Biggest Mistake of Humanity is for Humans to Believe ‘They’ Are Responsible for Climate Change.

…and that is, I believe, the greatest sadness ever to be inflicted on our species. The notion is wrong, totally wrong. It is inconceivably wrong. And even knowingly wrong. Do you feel guilty about your effect on climate change? Really? Why? It must be that you think your powers to change anything on this planet are far greater then even possible. Or you may think it is something to do with how many humans are alive today compared to earlier times. Well let me assure you that neither of those ideas are correct. You are actually blameless in the matter. Believe it. We are in fact, whether by design or otherwise, helping the planet recover from the worst CO2 drought, possibly in all of Earth’s history. Get the facts. But be careful where you get them from. Science is a good place to start, but not ‘climate-science’ – which is merely a false religion, sprung on humanity by its newly appointed priests which have turned up in recent times – specifically to alarm you – for their own benefit.

You will notice that I do not provide any evidential support or expert witness for these statements. That is intentional in order to keep the message clean and clear. If you care to look back through my earlier posts on this site, over the last year or so, you will find enough evidence to answer all your questions. But I suggest that, underneath it all, you already know what I am saying is true.

I wish you well, in a future which will display its own issues, but none of them will be climate related. At least nothing for which you could be blamed.

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