Getting Close To The Time For Nukes To Fly

Something has changed in the last few weeks, and I think I know what it is. The West, devoid of any intelligence, perception of the danger they face, or even basic humanity (which means a lack of concern for their own welfare or that of anyone else), have opted – as a desperate last resort (and they know this is exactly what it is) – to play the game [games being the only behavioural science they know] of pretending to be doing nothing wrong by supporting a ‘noble’ cause, while deliberately pitting their own troops – behind their own heavy weapons, directly against the forces of Russia in the fields and towns of Ukraine, and most recently in aerial bombings deep inside the Russian hinterland.

I cite three recent posts, in the order they arrived in my inbox, today and yesterday, from favourite writers which clarify the latest events. All that follows after these links are entirely my own thoughts.

‘SITREP 5/24/24: Situation Turns Critical as De-legitimized Zelensky Dangerously Escalates’ – Simplicius

‘Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!’ – William Schryver – imetatronink

‘Russo-Ukrainian War: Widening the Front’ – Big Serge Thought

Does the west think Russia is going to stand for this new state of affairs? Or even be facing increased such harassment? Well, that could be what the west is thinking, since the Russian leadership has been reluctant to hold any belief that the west possesses no salvable virtue, and that Russia’s opponents, having given their word on anything, will back that up with appropriate and ‘fair’ action, including recognising the impossibility of their situation. To be honest, Russia has given far too much leeway to the west, failing to perceive them as a bunch of snarling dogs and hoping that by demonstrating reasonable trust in them, the west will reform itself. That of course is too laughable to even consider. The west are entrenched, dyed-in-the-wool, terrorists. They have, in fact, never been anything different to that, possessing no honour or merit whatsoever. While that description may not be universally deserved, if goes far beyond what is seen as leadership roles, encompassing the vast majority with less prominent status within western communities. It is a developed way of life.

What we have here, is what I have long spoken of. For both the west and for Russia, this is a truly existential conflict. Only one party can emerge as still showing any appreciable signs of life. The other must be completely destroyed or rendered impotent to ever pose a problem for humanity again. Is Russia risking that kind of defeat by being too trusting? I don’t think so. They have far superior forces, weapons, and economy than the west, and are in top position to win this conflict. The west having all but exhausted itself and with no backup plan. But the recent escalations mean what we have known all along. That the west has no intentions to capitulate. That would be the end of them anyway no matter how it is terminated. So they have nothing to lose, and quite obviously no limits to the ends they are prepared to go to with the forlorn hope (they never actually had a hope) of retaining some form of self-composure or any other kind of composition, and influence. They will be left with nothing, and possess no friends. At least for a very long time. So there is no point to waiting for some sort of turnaround by the west. It will never come, even if they need to turn the world upside down to achieve it. So, something else must break the impasse – and I think you know what that is.

As for Russia, they are belatedly showing signs of having had enough of western deviosity, but need to alter their strategy now that the final act has revealed itself. Maintaining the same slow and meticulous pace, as used so far, may provide opportunity for the west to make a surprise and unexpected ‘last chance’ move to turns events in their own favour. Nothing so far has worked for them of course, with disastrous effect on their own ‘libido’, so to speak. They should in fact be on some form of life-support rather than facing off against the toughest and recently most battle experienced army in the world. The army of Ukraine may of course have also perhaps contended for that accolade, if they still had an army.

In my view, the only remaining step – for either side – to achieve anything more now (the west having declared its hand), is to get in a first strike nuclear engagement. The rest I leave to your imagination, having given my own description of such a historic move in past depositions on this site.

I see no other way of ending this relatively cleanly, so the world can ‘progress’, if that descriptor adequately covers the situation.

2 thoughts on “Getting Close To The Time For Nukes To Fly

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  1. The idea that a nuclear war can be won is a massive delusion. I dislike the crowd that is calling the shots in the US foreign policy establishment. The best we can hope for is that in this election year something will disrupt the Democrats Russophobic moves. If it takes Trump, who has less of the histrionic antipathy to the Russians than the Democrats, so be it. The main thing is to get rid of the Neocon warmongers, who are about the most delusional bunch that has ever held power in the defense establishment

    1. Stephen, thanks, but this is nothing to do with US elections, which are basically irrelevant and something about which, outside the US, nobody cares.
      Also, this does not have to develop into a nuclear war. A few hits with tactical nukes on NATO installations throughout Europe and UK could be enough to show Russian intent to stare down NATO belligerents. Europe would capitulate and if the US/UK decided to escalate, both would be wiped out with Russia’s superior weapons, which neither western country has anything to prevent that. Few, if any, western weapons would even get as far as Russian territory. I think US military already knows that.

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